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Scientific Editing Services For Top Journals


Experience the power of your 3-expert publication success team
  • a peer reviewer from high impact factor journals like Nature,
  • a senior science editor with 20+ years of experience, and
  • a managing editor who helps 500+ researchers publish annually
Get a chance to be published in a high impact factor journal in 61 days with Editage's Scientific Editing Service

See how Editage's Scientific Editing is superior to the competition

You lead a team of science publication consultants whose goal is to get you published

Get your publication strategy right with Editage's Scientific Editing

  • The top-journal peer reviewer

    Experienced in reviewing for Nature, Science, BMJ, NEJM

    What they do

    • Comment on novelty, impact, research rationale, implications, concluding statements
    • Offer clear next steps
    • Take care of interdisciplinary research support
    Meet our experts
  • The senior science editor

    20+ years of academic editing experience, subject matter expert with a PhD

    What they do

    • Perform 2 rounds of editing: developmental and language edits
    • Review and edit paper rationale, structure, flow, and presentation
    • Conduct a gap analysis to help you meet international publication standards
    Meet our experts
  • The managing editor

    Manages the publication of hundreds of academic research papers every year

    What they do

    • Prepare a checklist to match target journal scope with your paper's core problem statement
    • Conduct a full review of the peer reviewer's and senior science editor's work to ensure all advice to you is in sync
    Meet our experts

Voices from customers who use our Professional Scientific Paper Editing Services

  • Dr. Hiroki Shigemune, Waseda University’s School of Advanced Science and Engineering

    The pressure to publish has been rising in recent years due to the explosion of research output. Personally, I like to keep up the pace of my work by ensuring that I contribute at least once a year to a journal as well to an international conference.

    (IF: 3.31)

    Professor|Customer since 2019

  • Professor Tetsuhiro Yoshino, Keio University School of Medicine

    I am delighted to share the story of my publication journey with Editage. Let me start by saying that this one of the proudest moments of my life since I have set a new benchmark for myself by getting published in a journal with an impact factor as high as 5.74!

    (IF: 5.74)

    Medical Professional|Customer since 2012

Meet our experts

  • John H
    Post-Doctorate, Biological Sciences/ Neurobiology

    United States of America

    28+ years of experience
    250+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature
    • PLoS ONE
    • The journal of Neroscience
    • Journal of Cellular Physiology
    • Developmental Neurobiology
    • Scientific Reports
    • Nature Communications
    Paper publishing experience
    • Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (IF: 6.306)
    • Journal of Psychopharmacology (IF: 4.738)
    • Neuropharmacology (IF: 4.249)
    • Neurochemistry International (IF: 3.262)
    • Journal of Neuroimmunology (IF: 3.033)
  • John M
    Doctorate, Biology (virology)

    United States of America

    28+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature Genetics
    • Cell
    • J. Biol. Chem.
    • PNAS
    Paper publishing experience
    • Cell (IF: 25.976)
    • Nature (IF: 16.345)
    • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (IF: 5.601)
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry (IF: 2.403)
  • Nicole SD
    Doctorate, Biochemistry, London, Canada, 2010


    10+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Cell
    • Molecular Cell
    • Journal of Proteomics
    • Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry
    • Biochemical Journal
    Paper publishing experience
    • Nature Methods (IF: 28.467)
    • Cell (IF: 25.976)
    • Nature (IF: 16.345)
    • Molecular Cell (IF: 12.076)
    • Cell Reports (IF: 6.635)
  • Matthew E
    Doctorate, Cell Biology, Yale University, 2016

    United States of America

    3+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Molecular Cell
    • Cell Reports
    • PLOS Genetics
    • NAR
    Paper publishing experience
    • Genes and Development (IF: 9.413)
    • EMBO Reports (IF: 8.56
    • mBio (IF: 6.74)
    • RNA (IF: 4.94)
    • Genetics (IF: 4.075)
    • PLoS Genetics (IF: 4.001)
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry (IF: 2.403)
  • Jean B
    Doctorate, Molecular Physiology and Genetics


    10+ years of experience
    250+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Genes to Cells
    • Journal of Cell Science
    • Oncogene
    • Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
    Paper publishing experience
    • Molecular Cell (IF: 14.548)
    • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (IF: 9.58)
    • EMBO Reports (IF: 8.568)
    • Cell Reports (IF: 7.815)
    • Plant Journal (IF: 5.775)
  • Chris M
    Doctorate, Neuroscience / Psychology


    7+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Neuroimage
    • The European Journal of Neuroscience
    • Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
    • Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
    Paper publishing experience
    • Journal of Neuroscience (IF: 6.074)
    • Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (IF: 6.040)
    • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (IF: 5.601)
    • Neuroimage (IF: 5.426)
    • Neuropharmacology (IF: 4.249)
    • Grant Applications for a number of research funding bodies
  • Karen R
    Doctorate, Neuroimmunology Trinity College


    5+ years of experience
    250+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Biological Psychiatry
    • Scientific Reports
    • Journal of Anxiety Disorders
    • PLoS ONE
    • DNA
    • Cell Biology
    Paper publishing experience
    • Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (IF: 6.306)
    • Journal of Psychopharmacology (IF: 4.738)
    • Neuropharmacology (IF: 4.249)
    • Neurochemistry International (IF: 3.262)
    • Journal of Neuroimmunology (IF: 3.033)
  • Shawn M
    Doctorate, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    United States of America

    10+ years of experience
    100+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • American Meteorological Society
    • National Weather Association
    • Royal Meteorological Society
    • Springer atmospheric science journals
    • The Journal of Asia-Pacific
    • Atmospheric Sciences
    Paper publishing experience
    • Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (IF: 7.929)
    • Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (IF: 2.463)
    • Climate Dynamics (IF: 4.708)
    • Monthly Weather Review (IF: 3.043)
    • Weather and Forecasting (IF: 2.288)
  • Katy E
    Doctorate, Earth Sciences, Cambridge University


    12+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature Geoscience
    • Earth and Planetary Science Letters
    • Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
    Paper publishing experience
    • Earth Science Reviews (IF: 9.530)
  • Kevin C
    Post-Doctorate, University of Oxford

    United Kingdom

    28+ years of experience
    50+ paper review
    Peer review experience
    • Nature
    • Journal of Biological Chemistry
    • PLoS ONE and other
    Paper publishing experience
    • Human Reproduction Update (IF: 10.165)
    • Advances in Biological Regulation (IF: 6.99)
    • Journal of Biomedical Optics (IF: 2.859)
    • Theriogenology (IF: 2.136)
    • Scientific Reports (IF: 1.414)

Your scientific manuscript is managed like a VIP project

Every research manuscript is different, and so is the way each is reviewed. To streamline your publishing journey, Scientific Editing follows a structured process that supports you at every step until publication.


Choosing the most suitable experts

  • Customer service executive understands your preferences and passes them on to our project managers

Understanding your work

  • Project managers then handpick the most suitable native English experts based on a subject area match

3 senior experts create a robust publication strategy for you

  • High impact factor journal peer reviewer performs an in-depth technical review.
  • Senior science editors performs developmental and language edits.
  • Managing editor reviews all the work for journal submission readiness.

Unlimited review and rework based on your feedback for up to 365 days

  • You review or revise our work, revise sections based on our advice, and resubmit to us for a recheck.
  • Request a discounted recheck by the same peer reviewer.
  • Our experts re-edit and reformat at no charge.

Unlimited re-editing of your response to journal feedback for up to 365 days

  • Send us journal feedback, your revisions based on the feedback, and responses to journal questions.
  • Our experts re-edit and reformat the paper and cross check your responses at no cost.
  • You submit the final paper with improved chances of acceptance.

Features and Benefits available with this service

Scientific Review Report


A Scientific Review Report is created by peer reviewers for high impact factor journals like Nature, premium editors with 20+ years of experience, and our managing editors. This team of 3 experts shares critical feedback on improvements to your paper based on the scope of your target journal. Their feedback shortens the time a journal takes to evaluate your paper and increases your chances of acceptance in the high-impact journals.

Editing certificate

At the time of manuscript submission, many international journals require an editing certificate from non-English-native authors. In order to enable a seamless submission journey, we issue such certificates for all manuscripts that we edit

Unlimited Q&A

We understand that many authors have several queries regarding their edited document. And, to enable a discussion between authors and experts, we offer unlimitead (and timely) Q&A with your expert, free of cost. Note - Q&A is done through email.

Journal formatting

The layout and format of your manuscripts need to be consistent with the submission requirements of your target journal. With their extensive experience with style guides such as the APA, MLA, ACS, AMA, IEEE, and all major publisher and journal guidelines, our experts ensure that your papers are ready for journal submission, down to the last detail

Unconditional Free Re-editing

Even after our initial edit, manuscripts may need to be rewritten based on feedback from peers or journal peer reviewers. Our re-editing services ensure that your manuscript is ready for submission, after as many rounds of collaboration as you would like to have with your expert. This benefit is available within 12 months from the first round of editing of your paper

Unlimited rounds of Plagiarism Check

Our globally accepted plagiarism check report (powered by iThenticate) identifies passages in your manuscript that might get flagged by the journal for accidental plagiarism, helping you prevent desk rejection. You get a report on the sections in your document that needs rework and expert comments on how these sections may affect the journal's evaluation. You can now avail this benefit unlimited number of times for 12 months

Cover Letter Creation

Our experienced editors abstract the core highlights of your research based on your manuscript in the form of a cover letter. A cover letter engages your target journal editor, while sharing with them the value of your research so that they're interested and consider your paper for publication in their journal.

Response letter check & multiple rounds of journal formatting

Increases your chances of acceptance with unlimited support in cross-checking and editing your responses to journal feedback. Get reformatting done for multiple journals within 12 months. Preferred selection by 80% of our customers!

Editage’s Scientific Language Editing has no match

Our comprehensive scientific manuscript editing, with multiple rounds of checks by top-journal peer reviewers and senior editors across multiple subject areas, makes us the preferred choice for researchers across the globe. Authors are provided efficient and thorough publishing support, with guaranteed quality, on-time delivery, assured data security, and customised support to ensure your academic success.

Editage's Scientific Editing Service

Other Editing Companies

Peer reviewers for international journals
Peer reviewers for Nature, Cell, BMJ, PNAS, PLoS ONE, NEJM, etc.
No peer reviewer
Time (3000 words)
6 business days
14 business days
Journal Readiness Report
Clear support related to scope of target journal
Support for general journals in field
Academic domains covered
Medicine, Physics, chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Life Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences
Medicine, Physics, Life Sciences
Experts dedicated to each project
4 experts
2 experts
Plagiarism Check
Cover Letter
Journal response feedback support
Editor Expertise Levels
Average editor experience of more than 20 years
No experience mentioned to help researchers
Global editor community
Editors from Canada, USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand
Editors from the USA
Support until publication
Unlimited of re-editing, reformatting, support for a year for multiple journals + discounted multiple rounds of peer review + limit on extent of changes
Limited extent of changes supported
Price (3000 words)
Tailor-made pricing to suit your needs
Premium prices for subject expertise needed

When should you choose our Scientific Editing Service?

When seeking acceptance in high impact factor journals

If you are targeting high-ranking journals in your field that have high standards of research publication

When seeking advice from top-journal peer reviewers

If you are looking for technical feedback from peer reviewers for top journals like Nature before submission to a high impact factor journal

When you want to improve your paper to its best version

If you are looking to make multiple revisions to your paper before submission to a high impact factor journal in your field

Scientific Editing Service Sample

  • Chemistry
  • Life Science
  • Medicine
  • Economics
  • Material Science

Guaranteed Quality

In the rare case our work fails to delight you, we’ll re-work on it till you’re 100% happy.

And if you are still not satisfied, you get a full refund of your fees, no questions asked.

On Time

We always help you meet your deadlines, often, by turning around work in just 8 hours

And, if we ever miss a promised deadline by even one minute, we offer a full refund of your fees.

Highest Standard Data Security

We work hard to protect your work. All our experts and employees follow a strict NDA.

Your files are also secure on our latest ISO standard systems (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified).

⏰ Turnaround timeWithin 24 hours. Same-day delivery! * (subject to word count)
💲 Rate per wordFrom $0.2 per word
✏️ Feedback AreasLanguage, Grammar, Technical feedback from Peer reviewers
📄 Document typesAll Document Types
🪄 Available BenefitsPre-submission peer review, Scientific Review report, free Re-editing, Response letter crosscheck

Trusted & endorsed by 2000+ Journals, Universities, Societies:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    What training do your editors and writers receive?

  • 02

    What is the post-service you offer for edited manuscripts?

  • 03

    Can I change the type of editing service after submission?

  • 04

    What are the different English language styles you use while editing?

  • 05

    Do you edit documents in LaTeX and TeX formats?

  • 06

    Is my information secure with you?

  • 07

    Will I be charged for getting my paper re-edited?

  • 08

    Do the conditions for re-editing vary according to the editing service I choose?

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